Training & Achievements

The Placement and Training Centre is provided with a well-equipped conference training room and separate, well-furnished rooms for interviews and counseling. providing 24 X 7 online soft skill test facilities to all students, to groom their soft skill capabilities.

Module for Training Time Duration
Purpose Driven Career 10 hrs
5-P Principle 2 hrs
Be a Winner 2 hrs
How to build a Value System in Life 1.5 hrs
Create your Own Identity 1.5 hrs
Know you’re self! 3 hrs
Effective Communication Skills 19 hrs
Preparing yourself for making a presentation 4 hrs
Techniques to overcome Stage Fear 5 hrs
Tools for effective Public Speaking 5 hrs
Why Communications Skills Are So Important 2 hrs
Enhancing your Communication 3 hrs
Career Path & Opportunities 14.5 hrs
Type of Companies to join for Growth 1.5 hrs
Relationship Building Exercises 3 hrs
How to be a Effective Team Player 5 hrs
How to be a Leader – Leadership Skill 3 hrs
Vision & Goal setting Exercises 2 hrs
Facing the Giants 8.5 hrs
How to prepare your CV 1 hrs
Dress Code & Body Language to be maintained while attending Interviews 1.5 hrs
Protocols & soft skills adherence 3 hrs
How to negotiate your work & salary 1 hrs
Finishing Strong 2 hrs

1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year
Communication Communication Communication Communication
Introduction to Aptitude Aptitude Training Aptitude Training Group Discussion
Purpose Driven Carrier Carrier growth on Technology Group Discussion Role Play
Role Play Interview Training with HR people from Industry
Public Speaking Facing the Giants

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