B.Tech Agricultural Engineering College in Dharmapuri
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Agricultural engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the design of farm machinery, the location and planning of farm structures, farm drainage, soil management and erosion control, water supply and irrigation, rural electrification, and the processing of farm products.

Agricultural Engineering is to find out the solution of the problems in the field of agriculture for increasing agricultural productivity, increasing the standard of living of the farmers. It is a technologically sophisticated field that offers bright career prospects and opportunity in any country around the world, and in various sectors.


To develop agricultural engineering professionals, create and disseminate knowledge, and promote the application of engineering principles to meet societal needs with respect to agricultural, farm mechanization, irrigation, soil and water conservations, agricultural processing and natural resource systems etc.


To provide education to the students in Agriculture, Processing, Farm power and machines, soil and water management and natural resources management.

To produce skilful and high quality engineers supported by up-to-date curriculum and scientific and industrial research to suit the Agro based industries both within the country and abroad.

To educate agricultural engineers who can follow and utilize the technological developments that may occur during their careers and eco-friendly development of the society.

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