
Hostel Facilities

1. Separate hostel accommodation for boys and girls

2. Attached bath rooms

3. Modern kitchen

4. Steam cooked hygienic food

5. Indoor games

Rules have been framed, keeping in mind the local culture and traditions, with a view to guide and help students to maintain a standard of impeccable conduct. Therefore, while residents enjoy maximum freedom, it is ensured that this is always within the framework of standard guidelines and procedures, which helps to create an atmosphere of amity and peaceful co-existence.

Hostel Rules & Regulations

1. All movements from and to the hostels should be recorded in the movement register kept with the security guard at the entrance of the hostel and should be properly signed.

2. Hostel ID (ladies hostel): Student should contact the hostel office regarding the hostel ID. The students should leave the hostel ID at the main gate in case they leave the campus and should collect the same from the security when entering. ID’s not collected at the main gate will be issued at the hostel office to the students only after 15 days. During that period they cannot leave the institute premises. In case of lost ID cards, the student should register her case at the office of the Students Welfare and then the duplicate card will be issued one month later after payment of Rs.200/-. Parents should not encourage students to go to picnics/tours outside Vellore.

The attendance timing is 8.00 to 9.30 pm for ladies hostel.
In the case of Men’s hostel all hostellers have to be present in their respective rooms and keep open the rooms between 7.00 pm &8.00 pm every day

3. The hostellers will be permitted to change their rooms only after Chief Warden’s approval.

4. The hostel rooms are subject to inspection by the Hostel authorities to make sure that they are kept neat and tidy and no unauthorized items like liquor, drugs, lethal weapons etc., are kept in the room. Possession of any lethal weapons or any instrument / contrivance, which is likely to cause physical harm to others, is strictly prohibited.

5. Perfect silence is to be maintained in the hostel premises including rooms, bathrooms, dining halls, corridors, common areas etc., Every student of the hostel should have the civic responsibility that he or she should not be a cause inconvenience, annoyance or disturbance to others.

6. The hostellers should not enter into any unnecessary conversation, quarrel or altercation with the hostel staff. If anyone has any complaint against any employee of the hostel, a written complaint against the person is to be lodged with the Warden. Use of abusive, vulgar and unparliamentarily language against the hostel/mess staff is strictly forbidden. Any complaint received from staff/faculty towards students will be taken action seriously.

7. If any hosteller is found indulging in any form of instigation / intimidation / threat to any other hostellers he / she will be asked to vacate the hostel forthwith. In this regard, the decision of the Chief Warden is final and binding on the individual’s concerned.

8. Smoking is prohibited in the hostel buildings. Gambling in any form such as playing cards (even without money at stake), consumption of alcohol, use of drugs and narcotics and even possession of such things are prohibited. Anyone found indulging in the use of such things will not only be asked to vacate the hostel but also be rusticated from the College.

9. Day scholars are not allowed in the hostel. Hostellers should not encourage entry of day scholars.

10. Celebrating birthday parties inside the hostel rooms is strictly prohibited.

11. Collection of donation for any purpose (Religious/ otherwise) is also strictly prohibited.

12. Students are not allowed to play skating rollers and other outdoor games inside the hostel to prevent breakages and accidents. Sliding along the hand rails/rest of stairs and fast running/ climbing down should be totally avoided to prevent accidents.

13. When leaving the rooms for attending classes or for vacation, etc., fans, electrical gadgets, lights etc., should be switched off. Glass windows are to be closed securely.

14. Students absenting themselves from regular classes will have to take the permission of the Warden and communicate the information to the Chief Warden.

15. Hostellers coming to the Hostel after the gate closing hours without prior permission or without valid reason would be fined. Regular late comers will not be allowed to stay in the hostel.

16. Water should be carefully used and not wasted.

17. Wrong entry, improper / lack of entry in exit register, signing on behalf of another person, tampering with the entries, proxy attendance and misguidance of any nature are punishable. In case of any quarrel between or among roommates it should be reported to the Warden for appropriate action.

18. Absentees / Latecomers (without prior permission from the Warden) will be suitably punished.

19. Students coming late / or absent regularly will be expelled from the Hostel. Such students shall not be readmitted under any circumstances.

20. At the time of starting of the semester, no student should lock any room other than the officially allotted room. If the allotted room is a shared accommodation the student should inform the other student in the room or Warden whenever they are going out of the hostel. Students leaving the hostel after the semester or discontinuing their stay should never lock their rooms and cupboards.

21. Students are not allowed to keep any power driven two wheeler vehicles in the hostel.

22. The hostellers are not allowed to keep air coolers, musical instruments, cassette record players, and computers, TV, electric irons or any electrical equipment without written permission of the Chief Warden. Unauthorised possession will lead to confiscation of the goods.

23. Food will not be served in rooms and the inmates are not supposed to take food to their rooms. If an inmate is ill, the deputy warden will make suitable arrangements.

24. Wasting food is a crime. No diner shall waste food. Paying mess bill does not entitle a diner to waste food. If any student is found wasting food he / she will be fined Rs500/- for the first time. If the same student is found repeating the same mistake he / she will be expelled from the hostel.

25. The system of self service will be followed in all the mess.

26. The quantity of food will be unlimited except in the case of special items.

27. All diners shall produce ID card every time in the mess.

28. Students using computers are not permitted to use multimedia speakers. Violation of this will be viewed seriously.

Violation of any of these rules would result in punitive action and serious violations would be referred to the "Students Disciplinary Committee". The decision of the committee would however be final.

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